The Perk of Living as a HumanAt one time, I tried to search for the meaning of life. Could I catch all my dreams? The final answer is no, you couldn’t. Sometimes what…Aug 3, 2022Aug 3, 2022
Being Adult is Sucks, but It Will Happen (20Semakin bertambah umur, rasanya kehidupan semakin cepat dan membingungkan. Semuanya terlihat membingungkan, passion, karir, asmara, dan…Jul 29, 2022Jul 29, 2022
The Letter for Brian-Dear Brian, Thank you for all your love that fulfills my heart. The day you said you loved me was the best day of my life. Yeah, I never…Jun 23, 2022Jun 23, 2022
I Hope All of You Have the Feeling of Come Back HomeYou live in a busy city and don’t know how to come back home. Actually, you never have a home for every stop station. How hard you try to…Jun 9, 2022Jun 9, 2022
My Psychologist Once SaidMy psychologist once said, “when your heart was hurt for the second time, your hurt is multiplied.” For the first time, I didn’t notice…Jun 8, 2022Jun 8, 2022
Ketakutan Atas Nama KelahiranmuHidup dalam ketakutan sungguh menyeramkan. Otak tolol kamu tidak berhenti berpikir selama 24/7. Benar-benar tidak berhenti berpikir. Semua…May 30, 2022May 30, 2022
Being Adult is Sucks, but It Will HappenThe hardest part of being an adult is to make sure everything’s okay by yourself. One and only one that you have in this world is you. Just…May 29, 2022May 29, 2022
Siapa yang Tahu Tikus Nanti akan Sebesar KucingBeberapa hari yang lalu, saya kerap kali melihat tikus got yang terbaring mati di jalan raya. Awalnya saya hanya melihat tikus tersebut…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
Monogami vs Poligami: Tinjauan Pernikahan dari Perspektif EvolusiAkhir-akhir ini kasus perselingkuhan sedang marak diberitakan di media Indonesia. Video peristiwa pencegatan mobil hingga buka suara kerap…Apr 26, 2021Apr 26, 2021
AIDS-HIV dan Resistensinya — 29 Januari 2020Acquired immun deficiency syndrom (AIDS) merupakan kumpulan gejala atau sindrom yang disebabkan oleh infeksi virus, yang menyerang sel…Nov 4, 2020Nov 4, 2020